Flower Dot to Dots


We've flowers missing petals and a basket that needs completing on our flower dot to dots. Follow the numbers carefully.

Daffodil Dot to Dot

Daffodil Dot to Dot

Our daffodil dot to dot makes a fun activity for St David's Day, Easter or spring.  Follow the letters or the numbers to draw the daffodil's petals.  

Daisy Dot to Dot

Daisy Dot to Dot

This daisy needs some petals! Can your children draw them in by following the dots? Choose from two alphabet versions or a number version of our daisy dot to dot puzzle.

Poppy Dot to Dot

Poppy Dot to Dot

Join the dots (from 1 to 15) to make a beautiful poppy for Remembrance Day.

Sunflower Dot to Dot

Sunflower Dot to Dot

Our sunflower dot to dot asks children to join the dots 1 - 20 to draw in petals and a stem for this sunflower. Make sure you have a yellow crayon ready to colour those petals nice and bright.  

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