Food and Drink Dot to Dots


Children will enjoy joining the dots on these food topic dot to dot pages - including fruit and veg and cupcakes! And of course once the dots are joined up, they can colour in the picture.

Apple Dot To Dot

Apple Dot To Dot

Our apple dot to dot puzzle is an excellent early learning activity and perfect for autumn or food topics. Children can practise pencil control and test their counting skills at the same time.

Apple Dot to Dot Skip Counting

Apple Dot to Dot Skip Counting

The children will enjoy these dot to dot puzzles with a difference! Choose the times table your child is working on, then ask them to join the dots to draw the apple. Choose from 2s to 12s.

Cupcake Dot to Dot

Cupcake Dot to Dot

Here's a simple dot to dot puzzle that younger kids will enjoy - once they've finished joining the dots, they can colour in the cupcake too!

Ice Lolly Dot to Dot

Ice Lolly Dot to Dot

This stick is missing the ice lolly. Children need to carefully follow the numbers 1 to 10 to draw the outline on this ice lolly dot to dot and then they can decorate the lolly.

Ice Lolly Dot To Dot Skip Counting

Ice Lolly Dot To Dot Skip Counting

Kids can skip count their way around the picture to draw an ice lolly - practising their tables at the same time! It's a fun dot to dot puzzle with a secret.

Pear Dot To Dot

Pear Dot To Dot

The kids can finish off this tasty pear by joining the dots from 1 to 15 to complete, then colour in the picture.

Pumpkin Dot To Dot

Pumpkin Dot To Dot

Pumpkins are a vegetable we often associate with autumn (and of course Halloween too), but can the children draw this pumpkin by following the dots from 1 to 20? Make sure they have an orange crayon ready so they can colour in the finished picture!

Pumpkin dot to dot skip counting

Pumpkin Dot to Dot Skip Counting

Make times table practice fun with these pumpkin dot to dot puzzles! Choose the times table your child is learning then ask them to join the dots by counting in 2s, 3s, 4s, and so on ... all the way up to 12s.

Strawberry Dot to Dot

Strawberry Dot to Dot

This strawberry dot to dot will help children practise counting numbers up to twelve as they join the dots to complete the yummy looking strawberry.  

Strawberry Dot To Dot Skip Counting

Strawberry Dot To Dot Skip Counting

Join the dots on this strawberry picture and practice your times tables as you do it! Skip count by 2s, 3s and so on, all the way up to 10s. Fun!

More Food and Drink Resources

Food and Drink Playdough Mats
Food and Drink Playdough Mats

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