Food and Drink Worksheets


Whether you are looking to expand a Harvest theme or perhaps a healthy eating project we've a growing collection of food themed worksheets ready to download and print. We've split them into three loose groupings: vocabulary worksheets, maths worksheets and other worksheets.

Food and Drink Handwriting Worksheets
With three different worksheets to chose from for each word our food and drink handwriting...
Food and Drink Maths Worksheets
We've lots of counting resource on a food and drink theme to help young children get to grips...
Food Topic Scissor Activities
Practise scissor skills with this interesting collection of cutting skills printables with a food...
Food Topic Tracing Pages
Here is a fun collection of tracing pages with a food theme, perfect for children who are...
Healthy Eating Worksheets
This selection of worksheets aim to encourage the children in healthy eating habits - or at least...
More Food and Drink Worksheets
Here are even more food and drink worksheets to print and use in the classroom or at home. We'...

More Food and Drink Resources

Food and Drink Puzzles
Food and Drink Puzzles

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