Football Board Game


This football board game is quick to print and fun to play! We've set it out like a tournament and you can use your own counters (or print out our World Cup 2018 game counters or Women's World Cup 2019 game counters if you prefer). If you intend to re-use the game, you could either laminate the game board or glue the pages inside a file folder to keep them safe and clean, and get the kids to decorate the outside with appropriate football pictures.

You will need:

Game printed onto card and the two halves taped together (or see suggestions for a longer-lasting game board above)


  • Roll the dice. The player with the highest number goes first.
  • Place all counters next to the start of the group stage.
  • Player 1 rolls the dice and moves the number of squares, following any instructions on that square.  
  • PENALTY SHOOTOUT: A player who lands on one of these squares can challenge any other player to a Penalty Shootout. Both players roll the dice. The player who rolls the higher score can choose to swap places on the board with the other player. If the scores are the same, places are left unchanged.
  • Play passes to the player on the right.
  • The first player to reach the 'You are the champions!' square is the winner.
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PDF iconFootball board game instructions - Log in or Become a Member to download
Football board game


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