We can think of many ways of useing the three versions of this footprint frame below - blank, lined and "story" lines with space for a picture too. We've been inspired by the Mystery stories of Enid Blyton!
- Use the lined versions to encourage the kids to write their own mystery story
- How about each child drawing an outline of their shoe, then turning it over and trying to replicate the patterns on the sole?
- Make a print in mud/sand/paint for child to draw and measure and make deductions about. You could set up your own "mystery" by stamping a shoe print into a sand-box for the children to copy into the frame, then providing a selection of shoes to see if they can identify the correct one!
- Draw a copy of your own shoe sole, mix them up and then hand them out to a group. Everyone has to find owner of shoe print they have been given.
Here's a shoe print that Sam drew carefully from one of his own shoes