Fourth of July Story Paper


Get the kids to write a story about a made-up Fourth of July celebration. Alternatively, they can use these story paper printables to journal their own family parties, write about the history of Fourth of July / Independence Day, do some copywork etc.

Bang Story Paper

Bang Story Paper

Use our "bang story paper" to encourage the kids to write an exciting story which incorporates either the word BANG or the concept. They might also like to colour in the picture

Boom Story Paper

Boom Story Paper

How can the kids get the word BOOM into their story? Use this fun printable story paper to find out! Children might also like to colour in the picture.

Crackle Story Paper

Crackle Story Paper

Fires crackle, fireworks crackle, old clothes crackle, old pieces of paper might crackle… There are all sorts of ways that a story incorporating the word "crackle" could go! Print out this story paper to find out what your child will come up with.

Fizz Story Paper

Fizz Story Paper

How can the kids incorporate the word "phase" into their story? There are a number of ways that we can think of – perhaps a fizzy drink or a fizzy firework! Choose from 2 versions of our story paper, and don't forget to suggest that they colour in the picture too.

Fourth of July Fireworks Story Paper

Fourth of July Fireworks Story Paper

Fireworks are a fun way of encouraging descriptions in writing. Prompt children to think about the sounds, smells and tastes of a fireworks display as well as the sights as they write their stories on our Fourth of July fireworks story paper.  

Fourth of July Fireworks Story Paper 2

Fourth of July Fireworks Story Paper 2

This looks like the perfect end to a July 4th celebration but what do you think could have happened earlier in the day? Children can use their imagination to tell the story of day that leads up to the scene on our Fourth of July story paper.

Fourth of July Parade Story Paper

Fourth of July Parade Story Paper

This Fourth of July parade story paper lends itself perfectly to a descriptive writing piece. Children can start by colouring in the picture looking closely at the details and then describe the scene.

Fourth of July Picnic Story Paper

Fourth of July Picnic Story Paper

Plan or record your own Fourth of July picnic celebrations or make up a story about the Fourth of July picnic on our story paper.

Fourth of July Story Paper

Fourth of July Scene Story Paper

There is so much going on in the picture on this Fourth of July story paper that it is guaranteed to fire children's imagination and creativity.

Fourth of July Sparklers Story Paper

Fourth of July Sparklers Story Paper

The simple picture on this Fourth of July sparklers story paper makes it a good for younger children. Choose from lined or handwriting versions.

God Bless America Story Paper

God Bless America Story Paper

Use this God Bless America story paper for poetry writing or any other creative writing. Then get out the crayons and colour in the picture.

Pop Story Paper

Pop Story Paper

What pops? Kids can brainstorm some ideas before starting to write an interesting story which includes the word – or the sound – POP! This fun story paper also has a word art colouring page to inspire and entertain them.

Statue of Liberty story paper

Statue of Liberty Story Paper

Inspire children's writing with our Statue of Liberty story paper. They could write about a visit or they could imagine they are the statue and tell a story from her perspective.

The Fireworks Display Story Paper

The Fireworks Display Story Paper

Kids can use this story paper to write a story about "The Fireworks Display", or perhaps to write a description of the display that they visited.

Uncle Sam Story Paper

Uncle Sam Story Paper

Perhaps children could research the origins of Uncle Sam and use this story paper to write about the popular icon. Or perhaps they could write about their Independence Day celebrations.

Whoosh Story Paper

Whoosh Story Paper

Print out this word art story paper to inspire some creative writing which incorporates that lovely, onomatopoeic word WHOOSH into it. Kids can also have fun colouring in the word art picture.

More Fourth of July Resources

Fourth of July Tracing Pages
Fourth of July Tracing Pages

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