Fox Crafts


Whether you are interested in Fantastic Mr Fox, studying foxes within a British wildlife theme or you just like foxes, you will find some great fox crafts for kids here to enjoy!

Fox Mask Craft

Fox Mask Craft

Have a go at this fantastic mask when you are enjoying the book of Fantastic Mr Fox or celebrating Roald Dahl Day, for a British wildlife theme, or anytime.

Fox Spoon Puppet

Fox Spoon Puppet

It's fun to make this fox spoon puppet and even the youngest kids can have a great result with a little help. Make a set and put on a play - we've got others within our British Wildlife theme.

Origami Fox

Origami Fox

This origami fox is a very simple model to fold and perfect for beginners. Give him his sly expression with a marker pen and add him to your origami animal collection!

More Fox Fun for Kids

Fox colouring page
Fox Colouring Pages

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