Fox Printables


We've got all sorts of fox printables here for you with cute illustrations or photos, including fox writing paper, bookmarks, jigsaw, notebooking pages and much more!

Complete the Fox Puzzle

Complete the Fox Puzzle

One of these funny foxes has got some pieces missing! Fill them in by copying the complete picture below...

Fox Acrostic Poem Printable

Fox Acrostic Poem Printable

Use these fun printables to encourage some acrostic poetry - although honestly I can't think how you would start a sentence with the letter X! Luckily the printables make great writing frames too!

Fox Bookmarks

Fox Bookmarks

Five fun printable fox bookmarks with plenty of space for writing your own message or recording your place in your reading book.

Fox Grid Copy

Fox Grid Copy

Can the kids copy this quite tricky picture of a fox from the left grid to the right? It is easiest if you count carefully and copy one square at a time...

Fox Lacing Card

Fox Lacing Card

This fox lacing card is a great way to extend a British Wildlife project or a reading of Fantastic Mr Fox! Perhaps children can practice their sewing while you read aloud? Simple outlines make this a fun lacing project for little kids.

Fox Lacing Card 2

Fox Lacing Card 2

Get out some brightly coloured wool and let the children have fun lacing around the outside of our second fox lacing card. With a more challenging outline this one is good for children who have had a bit of practice.

Fox Mask

Fox Mask

With orange or brown top and trousers with a pinned on tail, our fox mask would make a quick and easy dressing up costume for World Book Day. This fox is sure to be "fantastic"!

Fox Notebooking Page

Fox Notebooking Page

A useful notebooking page (with two variations) for the fox - perfect for recording your research.

Fox Poster

Fox Poster

Our bright and cheeky cartoon fox poster is fun to display at home or at school.

Fox Poster 2

Fox Poster 2

Foxes have started to live nearer to towns and cities in recent years, so you might be lucky enough to spot one of these beautiful animals sometime. Our fox poster is perfect for any animal or wildlife display.

Fox Tracing

Fox Tracing

Younger children can trace the lines on this fox tracing and colouring page. It's a fun way to practise pencil control.

Fox Writing Paper

Fox Writing Paper

Print out this fun fox writing paper decorated with a cheeky fox in three different versions for all ages and projects.

Foxes Jigsaw - Ordinal Numbers

Foxes Ordinal Numbers Jigsaw

We have both black and white and colour versions of this fun fox jigsaw, designed to help your children learn their ordinal numbers. Print and cut out around the edge, then slice along the vertical lines.

Foxes Scene Card

Foxes Scene Card

Just download this pdf and print to get an instant greetings card for the kids to give to an animal lover - and who could not like this lovely picture of a fox mother and her cubs? Use borderless settings for best results.

Foxes Scene Poster

Foxes Scene Poster

A mother fox rests while her two cubs frolic in the woods in this cute foxes scene poster. Just print (using your printer's borderless settings if possible) and display.

Learn to Draw a Fox

Learn to Draw a Fox

Children can learn how to draw our lovely cartoon fox by following along with this step by step tutorial - just one of many animal drawing tutorials on the website. When you've drawn your own fox, don't forget to colour him in and find some other wildlife to keep him company.

More Fox Activities

Fox crafts
We've got a fox finger puppet, a wooden spoon puppet, a fabulous mask and more...
Fox Crafts

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