Fox Spoon Puppet


It's fun to make this fox spoon puppet and even the youngest kids can have a great result with a little help. Make a set and put on a play - we've got others within our British Wildlife theme.

Fox spoon puppet

You will need:

Wooden spoon
Orange paint
Orange felt
White craft foam
Wiggle eyes
Black pen


Paint your spoon orange and leave to dry.

Cut a pointed tail shape from felt. Cut a small triangle from white foam and stick to the end of the tail.

Glue the tail along the spoon handle.

Cut two felt triangles for ears and glue to the top of the spoon.

Cut a small white foam triangle, making one side wavy. Glue the triangle into the middle of the face as the nose. Stick on two wiggle eyes and draw on whiskers. Your fox puppet is ready for play!

Fox spoon puppet head closeup


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