The frog wants to find the tadpole but needs a path through the maze. Can your child find one, being careful not to cross any lines? Frog maze - Log in or Become a Member to downloadFrog maze - solution - Log in or Become a Member to download Explore Activity VillageTopicsAnimalsAnimals A-ZFrogsFrog PuzzlesMinibeastsMinibeast PuzzlesMinibeast MazesAnimal PuzzlesAnimal MazesSeasonsSpringSpring PuzzlesSpring Mazes
Butterfly Mazes Help the butterfly find its way to the flower in the centre of these challenging hexagonal mazes! We've got 4 levels to choose from, as well as an answer sheet if you get stuck.
Snail Maze Practise pencil control while having fun by tracing a path through our snail maze to help the snail find the leaf.
Caterpillar Maze 2 This triangular maze is something unusual. Help the hungry caterpillar through the maze to munch on the leaf!