African Animal Maze 1
The giraffe has lost his friends. Help him find his way through the maze to join them!
We have some lovely fun giraffe printables for you to download and print for home or the classroom. We have masks to dress up, jigsaws, writing paper, lacing cards and more.
The giraffe has lost his friends. Help him find his way through the maze to join them!
Here is a complete the picture puzzle for our quirky giraffe – quite a tricky one for the kids to get right!
Colour in this jigsaw and then cut into strips. Children need to be able to put the strips 1 - 10 in the correct order to complete our giraffe counting jigsaw. When they have mastered their numbers you can cut them off the bottom and still enjoy the jigsaw without them.
Is your child sleeping or playing? Use this fun giraffe door hanger to let people know!
This lovely girafee dot to dot puzzle is perfect for little kids, who will enjoy joining up their numbers to 10... and completing the giraffe's long neck in the process!
Copy our lovely giraffe picture with the help of the square grid. Children can count the squares and copy the details of each one individually if it helps. It's a great exercise in copying, pencil control and concentration skills!
In colour, black and white, with or without stripes, showing odds and evens ... this hundred square is funny and cute and we hope the kids like it!
Pick from 5 versions of our "fill in the blanks" hundred square, cheered on by a very elongated giraffe! We've included 3 levels of random numbers as well as an odds and an evens exercise.
Get the kids skip counting their times tables or print out our lovely giraffe hundred squares for reference. We've picked out the numbers from 1-100 in colour, for tables from 2s to 10s. This is a 10 page pdf file.
Here's a fun giraffe jigsaw with the illustration aimed at younger children, although you can adapt the jigsaw to suit all ages. You will need our jigsaw instructions and cutting guides.
This giraffe lacing card has some challenging parts that make it a fun challenge for younger children who have tried our really simple outlines and are ready for something a tiny bit harder.
This giraffe lacing card is ideal or younger children, with its simple outlines and fun illustration. Just print onto card and punch holes around the edge for your child to lace.
This baby giraffe lacing card is adorable and a bit of a challenge. If you like, simplify the outline a bit around the horns as you cut out to make it easier for younger children.
Print our cute giraffe mask on to card, cut out, laminate and punch holes to tie elastic on. Perfect for dressing up days at school or to add to a costume box for play.
This gorgeous, simple poster featuring our cartoon giraffe would definitely brighten up a nursery or bedroom! Just print it out and put it on display…
Help the kids learn to spell the (rather strange) word "giraffe" with this fun spelling jigsaw. Print onto card and slice along the dotted lines. When they have the spelling sorted, cut the letters off the bottom and try the jigsaw without.
This giraffe template shows a giraffe turned slightly towards us, which gives children the opportunity to add the giraffe's features to the template as well as the pattern of his fur.
This giraffe template could be used in many different ways, but at its most simplest looks great cut from a light-coloured brown card in an African animal display. Add features and darker brown designs to the body. Did you know that no two giraffes have identical patterns?
I love this giraffe face! It's a good tracing page for younger children, with its simple lines and fun expression.
There's a really cute giraffe on this writing paper, to make it more fun to write letters (and to receive them!) Children could also use the paper to write a story.
This lovely printable greetings card has a giraffes scene on the front showing a parent giraffe and child - fun for all animal lovers or perhaps for Mother's Day? Print on borderless settings and fold in half.
This colourful poster of a giraffe and baby giraffe is one of a set of animal "scenes" posters here at Activity Village. Print using your borderless settings if possible.
Giraffes are always the stars of the zoo. Print our learn to draw a giraffe guide and the kids can draw their own cute reminders of a day out. Or they are so sweet that they are sure to be a popular activity anytime.
Can the kids take their cue from the two front legs of a giraffe, and draw the rest? It's a bit tricky, but fun…