This set of 2 worksheets is themed with hedgehogs as many schools cover the topic in the autumn term with the White Rose Maths Place Value block for Year 3. Greater than less than worksheets set 1 - Log in or Become a Member to downloadGreater than less than worksheets set 1 - answers - Log in or Become a Member to download Explore Activity VillageTopicsAnimalsAnimals A-ZHedgehogsHedgehog WorksheetsSeasonsAutumnAutumn WorksheetsAutumn Maths WorksheetsLearningMathsMaths Worksheets
Hedgehog Partitioning up to 10,000 Practice partitioning numbers up to 10,000 with 10 problems spread out over 2 pages in this pdf.
Equivalent Fractions Worksheet - Squirrels How well do the kids know their equivalent fractions? This squirrel-themed worksheet tests them on 1/2, 2/3 and 3/4.
10 Less Worksheet - Squirrels Find 10 less than each of the numbers on the squirrels - then match it to an acorn! A fun worksheet for autumn.