Greenfingers Garden Centre Come On In
Use this poster at the entrance of your role play area to welcome customers to the Greenfingers Garden Centre - or perhaps turn it into a A frame board and stand it up on the "street" outside.
All you need to enjoy our Greenfingers Garden Centre role play printables are a bunch of kids and some imagination! Turn a corner of the classroom, playroom or home into a garden centre and role play the activities that a family might get up to on their visit - choosing plants, paying at the till, asking an expert etc. Add a few props to make Greenfingers even more realistic and fun - a toy till and money, shopping trollies, plant pots, wellies - and maybe even a house plant or two!
Use this poster at the entrance of your role play area to welcome customers to the Greenfingers Garden Centre - or perhaps turn it into a A frame board and stand it up on the "street" outside.
Print out a stack of our Greenfingers Garden Centre customer satisfaction forms and leave them by the "till" so that the kids can have a go at writing a little about their role play experience!
There is a sign just like this at my local Garden Centre. Make sure there is an "expert" standing by to offer the promised help! (We have a badge).
This is one of a set of signs for our Greenfingers Garden Centre role play area. Assemble some toys to act as garden statues and add some price tags to them!
Gather together your toy gardening equipment or cut out some pictures of spades and forks and wheelbarrows and display them in your gardening equipment area at the Greenfingers Garden Centre!
Garden centres are often such large buildings but help is needed to stand around. This is one of a series of signs that you can use for your role play area – this one being the hanging baskets area!
Most garden centres sell a selection of herbs, and our Greenfingers Garden Centre is no exception. Make a display of herbs by cutting out pictures, perhaps, or gather together some little pots with real herbs in them so that the children can identify them by sight and smell.
When the kids visit the Greenfingers Garden Centre they may want to purchase a house plant to take home with them. Here is a sign to help them find the house plants!
Garden centres often offer expert-led sessions to teach gardening or offer advice to seasoned gardeners about their trickier problems. You can have some fun in your role-play garden centre by putting an expert in the Learning Centre and encouraging customers to ask questions!
Print out the name badges for your Greenfingers Garden Centre. You can write your own names in, or use ours – we have a Manager, Manageress, Chief Gardener and Gardener, Expert, Sales Assistant, and 2 customers.
All garden centres have a poster near the front window with their opening times, so here is one for our Greenfingers Garden Centre.
Have you ever had a problem finding the tills in a very large garden centre? That's not a problem in the Greenfingers Garden Centre because you just need to follow the arrow!
Print these price labels onto card and cut them out before folding in half. Right on some prices and use them to label the goods for sale at your Greenfingers Garden Centre.
All good garden centres have a big display of roses and the Greenfingers Garden Centre is no exception. Let your customers know where they are with this roses poster!
Customers tend to flock to garden centres in the spring, but of course they will have bought their spring bulbs and planted them in the autumn. You can use our spring bulbs poster in your role play area for your Greenfingers Garden Centre display.
If the customers at your Greenfingers Garden Centre role-play area are looking for some vegetables to plant, this poster will help them find the right area to start looking!
Welcome the kids to your Greenfingers Garden Centre shopping experience by proudly displaying this welcome poster at the entrance to your role play area!