Guest Blog


Activity Village staff and friends share ideas for how our resources can be used for learning at home, crafts with your own children, or group craft activities. There is lots of inspiration here, so make yourself a big cup of tea, grab a biscuit or two and explore...

Guest Posts at Activity Village

Guest Post - Our Home Reading Challenge

Guest Post - Our Home Reading Challenge

Activity Village has a super collection of resources for making a record of home reading challenges. Shelly shares ideas for keeping a record of the books her kids have read in this guest post.

Guest Post - Making Medals

Guest Post - Making Medals

Making medals with air-drying clay or playdough is a great hands-on activity for the kids! Shelly has written about the fun her son had making his own medals during the Tokyo Olympics in this guest post.

Guest Post - Fun with Similes

Guest Post - Fun with Similes

This guest post by Shelly has lots of interesting ideas for introducing similes to young children using printable resources available on Activity Village.

Guest Post - Learning with David Attenborough

Did you know that there are lots of activities all about national treasure Sir David Attenborough in the Famous People section of Activity Village? Shelly and her kids learn more about him in this guest post.

Guest Post - Calculating Perimeters

Guest Post - Calculating Perimeters

In this guest post, Shelly writes about some brilliant ideas for helping to teach the kids how to calculate perimeters using printable resources from Activity Village.

Guest Post - Butterfly Jars

Guest Post - Butterfly Jars

Shelly and her children make some pretty butterfly jars using printables from Activity Village in this lovely guest post. This is a really easy but fun activity to enjoy with the kids, so why not try making your own?

Guest Post - Learning About Australia

Guest Post - Learning About Australia

Activity Village has lots of resources and activities to help the kids learn about Australia. In this guest post, Shelly and her kids learn about this unique country using colouring maps, a quiz and a wordsearch puzzle.

Guest Post - Christmas Symmetry Pages

Guest Post - Christmas Symmetry Pages

In this guest post, Shelly and her kids try some creative ways to practise symmetry using the Christmas symmetry pages available from Activity Village.

Guest Post - Learning about Vincent

Guest Post - Learning about Vincent

Vincent Van Gogh is one of the greatest artists of the modern era, and there are lots of activities all about him on Activity Village. Shelly and her kids learn more about the artist and create some art inspired by him.

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