A Letter to Guy Fawkes Worksheet
The children will need to use their persuasive writing skills for this worksheet. Can they imagine they are Tom Wintour, trying to recruit Guy Fawkes to help with the Gunpowder Plot?
Learn a little about Guy Fawkes and the Gunpowder Plot, and enjoy our colouring pages, worksheets, writing paper and other activities. We've got something for all ages here, for fun or for learning.
In England, in 1605 during the reign of James I, an act of treason was planned that could have changed the course of our history. At the last moment, the Gunpowder Plot was foiled, and now we commemorate the traitors - and in particular, the scapegoat Guy Fawkes - every year with Bonfire Night!
Guy Fawkes (1570 to 1606), also known as Guido Fawkes, was one of a group of Catholic plotters who planned, but failed, to blow up Parliament - now known as the Gunpowder Plot of 1605.
At the time, King James I was on the throne. England had broken away from the Catholic faith and the Church of Rome in Henry VIII's reign (by 1536), but there were still many Catholics in the country. Guy Fawkes joined up with a group of thirteen Catholic plotters, led by Robert Catesby, who planned to overthrow the King and put a Catholic monarch back on the throne.
The plotters rented space in the cellars of the House of Lords and filled it with gunpowder. Guy Fawkes was put in charge. They planned to set off the gunpowder during the opening of Parliament, on 5th November 1605. One or more of the plotters, however, were worried that some of their fellow Catholics and friends would be at the opening and get caught in the explosion, and wrote to warn them not to be there that day. We know that a certain Lord Monteagle received a letter warning him to go to the country because Paliament would "receive a terrible blow". Lord Monteagle showed the letter to the King, and the cellars were thoroughly searched and Guy Fawkes caught.
After several days of horrible torture, Guy Fawkes gave up the names of his fellow plotters and eight of them went to trial in January 1606. All were found guilty and executed in the terrible fashion of the times.
On 5th November 1605 Londoners were encouraged to celebrate the King's escape from assassination by lighting bonfires, provided that "this testemonye of joy be carefull done without any danger or disorder" - and indeed an Act of Parliament soon followed, declaring 5th November as a day of thanksgiving throughout the country for "the joyful day of deliverance".
When we celebrate Bonfire Night now, it seems very far removed from the events of four hundred years ago! For centuries since then, communities have come together to build a big bonfire and make an effigy - a model - of Guy Fawkes using old clothes stuffed with newspaper, to burn on the bonfire (see Penny for the Guy).
Fun fact: When you use the word "guy" in your sentences, have you thought where it comes from? The "guy" tradition of Bonfire Night gradually found it's way into our language, and by the 19th century the word "guy" was used to refer to a strangely dressed man. From there it was adopted into American English to refer to any man, and is of course still commonly used today!
The children will need to use their persuasive writing skills for this worksheet. Can they imagine they are Tom Wintour, trying to recruit Guy Fawkes to help with the Gunpowder Plot?
This fun handwriting worksheet for Bonfire Night provides a variety of useful themed words - Guy Fawkes, gunpowder, Parliament etc - for the children to trace.
We have 2 versions of this fun mystery picture puzzle for Bonfire Night. Copy the squares into the grid and see what they reveal!
Here's a challenge for older children this Bonfire Night! Can they use our gunpowder acrostic poem printable to retell the story of the Gunpowder plot?
Here's a printable colouring page of Guy Fawkes and the other Gunpowder Plot conspirators.
Guy Fawkes was arrested in the basement beneath the House of Lords on November 5th, the day he was about to light the gunpowder!
Read all about the Gunpowder Plot of 1605 and then answer some questions based on what you've just read.
Here is a useful summary of the history of the Gunpowder Plot. Find out why Robert Catesby started to plot against King James I, who else was involved, and what eventually happened in the early hours of 5th November, 1605 ...
How many smaller words can the kids make out of the letters in The Gunpowder Plot? Printable puzzling fun for Bonfire Night! Click the link below for the printable.
Can you help Guy Fawkes find his way through the maze to light the gunpowder? Remember in real life he didn't actually manage to do it! Click the link below for the printable.
This is the easiest of 3 Gunpowder Plot mazes in which Guy Fawkes sits in the middle of a circular "bomb" and the children have to find a path to him!
The second of this set of Gunpowder Plot mazes is getting a little trickier. Can the kids find a path to the centre of the maze, to stop Guy Fawkes lighting the fuse?
This Gunpowder Plot maze should keep the kids guessing for a while! You could laminate it and use it with a dry wipe pen so that they can rub out any lines that don't get to the centre, and Guy Fawkes ...
The kids can write the story of the Gunpowder Plot as if they were writing a report for a newspaper using our newspaper writing prompt. It's a fun way to research and learn some facts about this famous event in history and practise some writing skills too.
Guy Fawkes didn't act alone when he tried to carry out the gunpowder plot! We have two versions of our Gunpowder plot rogues' gallery to choose from - one with some of his accomplices named, so the kids can draw their pictures or print them out and stick them in.
Kids can use this story paper to write what they know about the Gunpowder Plot, or maybe they can imagine that they are Guy Fawkes or Robert Catesby and tell the story from their point of view? We have lined or handwriting versions available below.
Cut out these little squares of "history" and arrange them in the right order on our Gunpowder Plot timeline worksheet.
This Gunpowder Plot worksheet asks the kids to do some research about the charges against Guy Fawkes for his part in the Gunpowder Plot. Can they then use the information they've found out and their persuasive writing skills to write a speech for both the prosecution and defence?
Print out our Gunpowder Plot 'Wanted' poster and ask the kids to draw a picture of one of the plotters such as Guy Fawkes or Robert Catesby in the space provided. Then use as part of a Bonfire night display...
Here's a challenging gunpowder plot word search that's ideal for older kids to have a go at. Print the word search and see if the children can find all the words and names related to the Gunpowder Plot in the grid. We've included the answers in case they need a little help...
Here's a word search puzzle with a difference, for Bonfire Night or when learning about Guy Fawkes and the Gunpowder Plot. There is only one word in this puzzle to find - GUNPOWDER! But how many times does it appear?
This colouring page is ideal for older kids learning about the gunpowder plotters and the origins of Bonfire night. Colour in the pictures of the men involved in the Gunpowder plot, and maybe try to learn their names too?
Use our gunpowder plotters poster to teach the kids about the men involved in the Gunpowder Plot - most of us have heard about Guy Fawkes and maybe Robert Catesby, but do they know the names of some of the others who were involved? Which part did each of them play in the plot?
Guy Fawkes is the name we associate the most with the Gunpowder Plot, but there were many other men involved too.
Use our Guy Fawkes acrostic poem to write a poem inspired by the gunpowder plot, or use as a frame for other writing or drawing activities. We have four versions to chose from.
This Guy Fawkes cloze worksheet is an interesting way to learn a little more about Guy Fawkes - particularly his early years, which we haven't covered elsewhere. We've provided a number of words to be used to fill in the blanks.
Here's a fun, simple colouring page of Guy Fawkes, notorious for the Gunpowder Plot of the 17th Century. Click the link below for our printable version.
Guy Fawkes looks deep in thought on this colouring page, maybe thinking about how he and his fellow conspirators will carry out the Gunpowder Plot?
This worksheet asks children to imagine that they are Guy Fawkes, writing a diary entry on the morning he was due to carry out the Gunpowder Plot. What thoughts would be going through his mind?
Join the dots and follow the simple outline on our Guy Fawkes hat dot to dot for a fun Bonfire Night activity. Children can colour the picture afterwards.
Here's a really simple Guy Fawkes hat lacing card for Bonfire Night. Print on to card, cut out and laminate and punch holes around the edge before letting children loose with some brightly coloured yarn to lace through the holes.
Can the children imagine that they are a talk show host interviewing Guy Fawkes? They need to think of some good open questions to encourage him to talk!
Here's a fun activity for young children learning the history of Bonfire Night. Print our Guy Fawkes jigsaw on to card and cut out using our jigsaw cutting guides.
Here's a fun lacing activity for younger kids on Bonfire Night! Guy Fawkes is always portrayed with this shape of hat, moustache and beard, so by the time they have laced or threaded the card they will certainly remember him - and 5th November!
Have some fun with this Guy Fawkes mask on Bonfire Night. Simply print onto card and cut out, ready for your child to wear. He might also be fun for a Bonfire Night display...
Two styles of printable notebooking pages to use in your Guy Fawkes and Bonfire Night writing projects. Click one of the links below for our printable versions.
Here's a fun activity for children learning about Guy Fawkes and the Gunpowder Plot. This Guy Fawkes playdough mat asks children to make a playdough barrel of gunpowder, ready to be lit.
Just for fun, here's a printable poster of Guy Fawkes - great for learning all about the real happenings behind Bonfire Night. Of course Guy Fawkes never actually lit the gunpowder! The poster also makes a great front cover for a project on Guy Fawkes or the Gunpowder Plot.
Perfect for writing what you've learned about Guy Fawkes and Bonfire Night, our story paper is available in two versions, one with lines and one with handwriting lines. Click the links below for our printable versions.
Use our Guy Fawkes story paper to record some facts about Guy Fawkes and the Gunpowder Plot, or maybe to tell the story from the point of view of Guy Fawkes himself? We have two versions to choose from below, with lines or handwriting lines.
Just for fun, here's a template of Guy Fawkes, wearing the hat and short cape that he is so often depicted as wearing! Cut him out of black paper and display him with our bonfire and fireworks templates for 5th November!
The date of the Gunpowder Plot might be the easiest event to add to this Guy Fawkes timeline worksheet - but can the children fill in the other important events in his life too?
Can you find all the words in this Guy Fawkes word search puzzle - perfect for Bonfire Night in the classroom! Click the link below for the printable.
Kids will need to do a little research to answer the questions on this worksheet about Guy Fawkes. Learn all about the events behind Bonfire Night! Click the links below for our printable versions - choose between colour and black and white.
Perfect for projects on Guy Fawkes, the Gunpowder Plot and Bonfire Night, this writing page comes in colour or black and white versions. Click the links below for our printable versions.
Here's an interesting worksheet to really get the kids thinking. Can they imagine they are a talk show host interviewing King James 1 after the Gunpowder Plot? What information would the audience want to hear from the King? They need to plan their questions carefully.
Just for fun, follow along with our step by step tutorial and learn to draw Guy Fawkes for Bonfire Night! Click the link below for our printable version.
Here is a printable poster featuring one of the better-known versions (there are many!) of the Fireworks Night poem or song, Remember Remember. It's a little gruesome, but a fun way to learn about the history behind our 5th November traditions.
The Monteagle Letter played an important part in uncovering the Gunpowder Plot. Can the children write a letter warning Lord Monteagle to stay away from Parliament on the 5th of November, without revealing details of the plot?