There are so many uses for this fabulous Halloween background! Print and display as a poster, use as a backdrop for Halloween crafts, or you could use it as a front cover for a Halloween book. Maybe you could make your own Halloween puppet show theatre by sticking the background onto an empty cereal box and painting the rest of the box black?
Halloween Background 6
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Halloween Background 1
"When witches go riding and black cats are seen, the moon laughs and whispers 'tis near Halloween." With a spectacular moon and some very creepy hands reaching upwards, this printable Halloween background makes the perfect setting for a spooky puppet show.
Halloween Background 3
This fun Halloween background has a 'theatre stage' feel to it, so it's perfect for creepy puppet shows or even for filming your own spooky stop-frame animations! Print using the borderless settings on your printer for the best results.
Halloween Background 2
Print out this fun Halloween background with some spooky ghosts and pumpkins and use for crafts, displays and of course puppet shows!