Halloween Lunch Box Notes


Spooky fun for lunch boxes! This special little pack contains 16 messages designed especially to get your kids into Halloween mood! It includes lots of jokes, a few fun facts and one or two "Halloweeny" messages too.

Ideas for using our Halloween lunch box notes:

  • These fun little notes look great stapled onto a Halloween party bag - and would be a fun "little extra" to hand out to trick or treaters! Or make up your own little bags to hand out by tying up a selection of treats in a square of cellophane with orange ribbon or raffia and then attaching one of the notes to finish it off.
  • Use the Halloween lunch box jokes as a treasure hunt at a Halloween party. Form the children into teams. Print out as many copies as there are teams in advance, and hide them around the play area. Each team must hunt for and assemble a full set of jokes, with the winning team being the first to find all 16. Alternatively, play for a set length of time and award a prize to the team who finds the most. For younger children, write a team number or sign on the back of their set of jokes.
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Halloween Lunch Box Notes


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