Historical Children Colouring Pages


Featuring a boy and a girl in period costume, our historical children colouring pages start in the ancient world and end in World War II. They are a fun addition to any history project and, we hope, will engage the children in talking about, and learning about, the different periods - especially as they contrast our illustrations to what children commonly wear today. For the Tudors and Victorians we've also shown rich and poor children's clothes.

Ancient Greek Children Colouring Page

Ancient Greek Children Colouring Page

Learn about the costumes of Ancient Greece with our Ancient Greek children colouring page. There is space on the page to write labels so children could add information they find out to the page.

Anglo Saxon Children Colouring Page

Anglo Saxon Children Colouring Page

Children could research the dyes that were available during the period to get the colours right on our Anglo-Saxon children colouring page. You could use the colouring page to make a project cover.

Aztec Children Colouring Page

Aztec Children Colouring Page

What a lot of detail there is on our Aztec children colouring page. The elaborate head dresses and ornate jewelry will provide a fun colouring challenge.

Pilgrim Children Colouring Page

Pilgrim Children Colouring Page

Here's a Thanksgiving colouring page showing two cute pilgrim children in their traditional clothes for kids to colour in.

Roman Children Colouring Page

Roman Children Colouring Page

Our Roman children colouring page is ful of little details such as the bulla around their necks. Colouring is such a fun way to learn!

Tudor Poor Children Colouring Page

Tudor Poor Children Colouring Page

Tudor times were not all about royalty amd court life. Our Tudor poor children colouring page is a good way to begin to look at the lives of ordinary people in Tudor times.

Tudor Rich Children Colouring Page

Tudor Rich Children Colouring Page

Our rich Tudor children colouring page shows children luxuriously dressed in rich fabrics. This colouring page is a fun addition to a Tudor school project or perhaps a palace visit.

Victorian Poor Children Colouring Page

Victorian Poor Children Colouring Page

It was a hard life as a poor Victorian child. The boy on our poor Victorian children colouring page looks like he may be a street child or clean chimneys. The girl looks like she works as a maid in her uniform. 

Viking Children Colouring Page

Viking Children Colouring Page

Vikings and Viking raids hold a fascination for children. Whether they are studying Vikings at school or following their own interest to explore the topic they are sure to enjoy colouring our Viking children colouring page.  

WW2 Evacuee Children Colouring Page

WW2 Evacuee Children Colouring Page

Our WW2 children are packed up and ready to be evacuated to the country on our evacuee colouring page. They even have labels that you could add names to.

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