All About Me Flip Book
Print this page onto coloured card, slice up the pieces and fill in the blanks. Confident writers can fill in their own but for younger children you might want to do the writing for them.
NEW! Explore below for a collection of printables that will help break the ice with a group of children - perfect for a new school year, a new group and so on. Clipboards are a useful addition if you have them.
Print this page onto coloured card, slice up the pieces and fill in the blanks. Confident writers can fill in their own but for younger children you might want to do the writing for them.
Give each child in your new class or group a copy of this ice breaker printable and send them off to find other kids who share the same interests and characteristics as them. It could get noisy!
This fun ice breaker printable is perfect for younger children at the beginning of the school year as they begin to mix and make friends with their classmates. Give them the sheet on a clipboard and suggest they mingle and collect names.
The aim of this ice breaker printable is to get a group of kids who don't know each other well talking and finding things in common, as well as giving less confident children something to talk about.
Breaking the ice with older children can be hard, especially when kids come from a variety of backgrounds and cultures and may not be confident in the English language.
This is a useful "quiet" ice-breaking activity for groups of older children. The finished flags also make a fabulous early display for the classroom, before the term's work goes up on the walls!
This game needs a little preparation and a big classroom or group to make it work, but it's a fun way of getting the kids to mingle and talk to each other. Best for age 7 and over.
This is a game that shows children that they are unique but also allows them to see things that they have in common. It works best in smallish groups (about 10) of 4-8 year olds.
This is a good game for younger or shyer children who may find it difficult to talk confidently to a group. It is a perfect ice-breaker game. It works best with children aged 5 and over.
Here's a really fun game to play in a group, and it's great as an activity to get to know people better. Everyone has to answer some simple questions, then all the pages get mixed up. Can you work out which answers belong to which person?
What makes me me? It's a question that children often ask - themselves or others - and it is a good one to encourage them to think about at the start of a school year or when making friends with a new group of children. This set of printables has 6 different boy outlines to choose from.
There are 6 pages - and lots of different hairstyles - in this What Makes Me Me printout. Get the girls to think about what makes them unique - their physical characteristics, the things they love, their habits, their families, their ideas - and then write them on the faces.
This fun What Makes Me Me fingerprint printable calls for a bit of thinking and then some fun wacky writing, following the whorls of the fingerprint image.
You could tackle this What Makes Me Me worksheet during an "All About Me" topic, or perhaps at the beginning of a new school year.