Cuddly Koalas are very popular, even though they only live in Australia and are seldom seen! Print this poster and the kids can see one whenever you like. Koala poster 2 - Log in or Become a Member to download Explore Activity VillageHolidaysTopicsAnimalsAnimals A-ZKoalasKoala PrintablesAustralian AnimalsAustralian Animal PostersAnimal PrintablesAnimal Posters
Koala Scene Poster Print out this cheerful koala scene poster to put out on display. It goes nicely with our kangaroo scene poster!
Learn to Draw a Koala Learn to draw a koala, that very well known and popular Australian animal! You could also draw a gum tree to sit him in.
Koala Jigsaw Try your hand at making your own jigsaw! It's quite simple, just use a jigsaw template from the website, and use it to cut out shapes.