Here is the third of our pretty Japanese Kokeshi dolls to colour in following the colour by number key. Kokeshi Doll colour by number 3 - Log in or Become a Member to download Explore Activity VillageColouring PagesColour by NumberMore Colour by NumberTopicsAround the WorldAsiaJapanJapanese CultureKokeshi Dolls
Kokeshi Doll Colour by Number 2 Colour in this pretty Japanese Kokeshi doll, matching the numbers to colours as in our key.
Kokeshi Doll Colour by Number 1 Follow the instructions on this fun Japanese inspired printable to colour in the pretty Kokeshi doll using the number key.
Kokeshi Doll Colouring Page 6 This Ninja-inspired Japanese Kokeshi doll colouring page is sure to appeal! Once coloured in, the easy outlines make it quick to cut out for display if you wish.