Leaf Plate


Stencil this pretty leaf plate to use (or display) during autumn - or give as a gift. Of course you could adapt the idea for all sorts of occasions. Cut out a heart shape for Valentine's Day or a simple flower shape for Mother's Day, perhaps?

Leaf Plate craft for Autumn / Fall

You will need:

A plain dinner plate
Red and yellow porcelain paint (or acrylic paint if the plate is only to be used as decoration)
Scrap of card

Fold the card in half and cut out a leaf shape as your stencil. We used a very simple shape but you could use a more intricate one, or several different shapes.

Hold the stencil still on the plate (younger children will need this done for them) and stipple on the paint, making sure that the brush is vertical to the plate so the paint doesn’t go under the stencil.

Leaf plate instructions

Carefully lift the stencil and repeat the design elsewhere on the plate. We did some leaves in red and then mixed the two colours together.

When the plate is finished, use kitchen towel to remove any smudges.

Follow the instructions to fix the porcelain paint, or, if using acrylic paint, leave the plate to dry.


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