Leap Year Board Game


Playing a game is a great way to learn how Leap Years work, and to practise some maths skills at the same time. Just put your counters on the "Start" stepping stone, then roll one dice. Work out whether you have landed on a leap year or a normal year. If it's a normal year, go back 3 and wait for another turn!

For younger players, you might want to work your way around the board identifying the danger stones before you start to play.

If you choose the larger version of the board, which prints onto 2 A4 pages, you will need to trim and overlap the middle edges before gluing the 2 sides together.

PDF iconLeap Year board game (small, 1 A4 page) - Log in or Become a Member to download
PDF iconLeap Year board game (large, 2 A4 pages) - Log in or Become a Member to download
Leap Year board game


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