Learn to Draw Alpine Skiing
You can learn to draw an alpine skier with this new sheet. Alpine, or downhill, skiing is a very popular sport at the Winter Olympics. If you like skiing, check out our colouring and writing pages too.
Children can learn how to draw a collection of pictures for the Winter Olympics - all the main winter sporting events! Just follow along with our step by step tutorials and they will be expert in no time...
You can learn to draw an alpine skier with this new sheet. Alpine, or downhill, skiing is a very popular sport at the Winter Olympics. If you like skiing, check out our colouring and writing pages too.
Children can earn how to draw an ice skater by following along with our fun step by step tutorial. We've drawn a girl, but of course once they are comfortable with the idea they can adapt the picture to draw a boy!
Biathlon combines crosscountry skiing and rifle shooting and is a Winter Olympic sport. On this sheet you can learn to draw a man ready for the rifle shooting. I hope he hits the mark!
These two people are ready to Bobsled! Are you ready to learn to draw them? Get started now on this Winter Olympics activity.
This learn to draw is very topical with the Winter Olympics and cold weather on the way. Cross Country skiing (also known as ski touring) is very popular in countries with large flat snow fields. Skiiers push themselves along with their skis and poles. Sounds exhausting!
Learn to draw this pretty Figure Skater. She might be competing in the Winter Olympics!
In freestyle skiing you can be very creative with jumps and tricks. This learn to draw shows a skiier jumping and would be great as part of some Winter Olympic activities.
Learn to draw an ice hockey player with this fantastic sheet. This would be a great Winter Olympic activity.
Have some fun learning how to draw this most terrifying of Winter Olymipcs sports - the luge!
Skeleton is a fast and icy Winter Olympic sport. You can learn to draw this person ready to set off on their sled!
Learn to draw this ski jumping man as he launches into the air. Ski jumping is part of the Nordic Combined event at the winter olympics. We also have a poster and colouring in page featuring this illustration.
If you like snow sports you will love this learn to draw sheet featuring snowboarding. If you snowboard with your right foot forward, instead of left, it's called goofy! Try our other learn to draw snow sports, like skeleton and freestyle skiing.
Hone your drawing skills with this learn to draw speed skating activity. If you like speed skating try the matching colouring page.