Learning About Palindromes


If you are learning about palindromes, you've come to the right place! We have an interesting collection of printable worksheets here to make learning about palindromes a fun activity for the children, including sorting activities, alphabetical order worksheet and even one of our popular "code breaker" challenges.

What Are Palindromes?

Palindromes are words (or phrases, or numbers, or dates) that read the same backwards or forwards. Here are some examples of words:

  • nun
  • noon
  • madam
  • rotator

Some names can be palindromes:

  • Hannah
  • Anna
  • Bob

Even a phrase or sentence can be a palindrome. Here are some well known examples:

  • Never odd or even
  • "Madam, I'm Adam."
  • Was it a car or a cat I saw?
  • Oh who was it I saw? Oh who?
  • Step on no pets!

Fun Facts About Palindromes

  • The longest palindromic word in the English language (according to the Oxford English Dictionary) is "tattarrattat" with 12 letters. It appears in the novel Ulysses by James Joyce, and is the sound of someone knocking on the door.
  • The fear of palindromes is called aibohphobia. Look closely and you will see that the word itself is, of course, a palindrome!

Our Palindrome Resources

Palindrome Code Breaker

Palindrome Code Breaker

Here's a fun way to learn about palindromes! We've hidden some palindromic words in the code grids for the kids to crack. Then they need to match them to the correct picture...

Palindrome Display Poster

Palindrome Display Poster

Here's a colourful display poster featuring a definition of palindrome, ready for when you are learning about these interesting words, phrases and numbers!

Palindrome Picture Quiz

Palindrome Picture Quiz

Can the kids identify the palindromes in the pictures? There are 8 pictures here to challenge them. They might struggle a little with number 6. We've included the answers in the pdf below.

Palindrome Places

Palindrome Places

Here's an interesting challenge! Learn about palindromes and brush up on your geography at the same time by working out where these 10 palindromic places are on a world map...

Palindrome Quiz

Palindrome Quiz

We've provided clues to a number of palindromic words. Can the kids identify them? They will need to put their thinking caps on!

Palindrome Sort

Palindrome Sort

Cut out the word cards and then sort them into "palindromes" and "not palindromes". To extend the activity, you could ask the children to research some more palindromic words and add their own extra word cards to challenge a partner.

Palindrome Word Cards

Palindrome Word Cards

This word card set includes 19 palindromic words to cut out and display. We've kept them relatively accessible and included 3 names and a display card too.

Palindromes Alphabetical Order

Palindromes Alphabetical Order

We've provided a list of palindromes for the children to put into alphabetical order. In the process, they will become familiar with the concept of palindromes and be able to recognise them when they see them.

Palindromes Collection Sheet

Palindromes Collection Sheet

Print out our colourful palindromes collection sheet and encourage the children to write down all the palindromes they have discovered. We have three versions to choose from as appropriate for you.

More Palindrome Fun

Palindrome Day
Palindrome Day

More Word Resources

Word Bookmarks
Word Bookmarks

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