Learn about the life cycle of a squirrel with these printable teaching resources which we've created to suit a range of ages. Children can learn the terminology of a squirrel's life cycle with our word cards, test what they have learned with our cloze and sequencing activities, or just have a go at a colouring page or two.
The Life Cycle of a Squirrel
In early spring, female squirrels give birth to between 2 and 4 babies, known as kits or kittens. The newborn squirrels are deaf, blind and hairless.
The kittens live in a nest high up in a tree, called a drey. It is made from twigs and sticks and usually lined with something soft like moss, leaves or feathers.
For the first 10 weeks of their lives, the kittens will live on milk from their mother.
When they start to eat they will feed on nuts, acorns, berries and sometimes even insects or small birds’ eggs. Squirrels are omnivores.
Young squirrels will start exploring the area around their nest and gradually cover greater and greater distances. They will eventually leave their mother’s drey in the autumn.
Squirrels do not hibernate. Instead they collect and store food for the winter.
Our Life Cycle of a Squirrel Resources
We've designed these life cycle of a squirrel resources so that they can be used with a range of ages, including prompted and harder options to most of the worksheets and also producing both colour and black and white versions for you to choose from.