Little Red Riding Hood Small World Scene


You can have endless fun retelling the story of Little Red Riding Hood if you create this "small world" scene. It's a perfect activity for a rainy afternoon ... and provides what we think is the perfect combination of creative craft and creative play opportunity. And of course it pairs with our Dress Up Mr Wolf activity.

Little Red Riding Hood Small World Scene

You will need:


Decorate the inside of the shoebox to look like a room. You could paint it, but we used some of our dolls house printables, choosing wall paper and flooring papers and adding a rug and some pictures. You can be as creative as you like.

Paint the inside of the shoebox lid green.

Our decorated room for Little Red Riding Hood's small world

While everything is drying, make Grandma a bed from a small box. Use a scrap of card folded, with one end glued to the end of the box and the other to the top of the box to create 'pillows'.

Making a bed for Little Red Riding Hood's grandmother
Making a bed for Little Red Riding Hood's grandmother

Glue a rectangle of paper to the bed for a sheet and cut a smaller rectangle to sit on top as a blanket.

Grandma snug in her comfy bed!
Grandma snug in her comfy bed!

To make the figures and the trees, print out our Little Red Riding Hood small world printable. Cut roughly around the outside and glue to the scrap card to make thicker. Then cut out again neatly, making the bottom edge flat. To make the characters stand up, cut some rectangles from the scrap card. Now carefully cut a small slit in the top edge of the rectangle then a small slit on the bottom edge of the character, and slot together.

Making Little Red Riding Hood stand up
Making Little Red Riding Hood stand up

Have fun with your "small world" scene while you tell the story of Little Red Riding Hood!

Can you see the wolf hiding behind the trees? Watch out, Little Red Riding Hood!
Can you see the wolf hiding behind the trees? Watch out, Little Red Riding Hood!


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