Make a Disguise


Children love putting on a disguise - and it's even more fun if they've made the disguise themselves! Here we have instructions to make your own pair of wacky glasses, moustache and beard. Of course no-one could possibly recognise you once this disguise is on!

Make a Disguise
This can't be Sam, can it? I could hardly recognise him!

Glasses disguise

To Make the Glasses

You will need:

Cardboard tube
Pens or paint
Tissue paper
Sticky tape
Elastic thread


  • Cut three 2cm wide rings from the cardboard tube.  
  • Cut one piece in half for the nosebridge.  
  • Decorate the pieces with pens or paint.
  • Tape tissue paper over each of the rings to form the lenses.
  • Tape the nosebridge to the lenses to join them together.
  • Make a hole each side of the glasses and tie some elastic through.

Moustache disguise

To Make the Moustache

You will need:

Black card
Sticky tape


  • Cut a moustache from black card.
  • Cut a length of elastic long enough to go around your head.
  • Tape the elastic to the back of the moustache.

Beard disguise

To Make the Beard

You will need:

Black card
Sticky tape


  • Cut a beard from black card. Glue lengths or swirls of wool over the beard.
  • Cut a length of elastic long enough to go around your head.
  • Tape the elastic to the back of the beard.


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