Make a Time Capsule!


This is an idea which makes a super family project - and tradition! Get the kids to make a "time capsule" for the year ahead, and fill it, together, as the year goes on - with photos, ticket stubs, copies of certificates won, birthday cards, writing samples, and anything else with meaning to your family. At the end of the year store it away safely and make a new time capsule for the year ahead. You will have a memory-filled container for each year which you will all treasure in the future.

Make a time capsule craft

You will need:

A used large snack tub
PVA (white) glue
Decorations (sequins, ribbons, lace etc)


Rinse out your snack tub. When the tub is dry, paint it. Tip: Mix a small amount of glue into the paint to help preserve it.

When the paint is dry, paint the tub with a layer of PVA glue. Stick on your decorations. We used shiny numbers to add the date and sequin stars to embellish.

Now you can either fill your tub with precious mementos from now (photos etc) or you can keep it open and add to it through out the year (tickets, certificates etc) before putting it away safely to be opened in the future.

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