Making Valentine Cards With Beads


Your children can make some very pretty home-made Valentine's Day cards with a small supply of beads and some imagination!

Making Valentine Cards With Beads

Red Beaded Heart Card

We drew a heart shape directly onto our card with gold pen, and then carefully stuck small red wooden beads along the line (this was fiddly!).

Pearl Beaded Heart Card

The second card was made in the same way, but this time we used a mount of brown paper and a selection of pastel coloured pearl beads. We broke with tradition and used a pale mauve envelope, which sets off the beads nicely.

NB These two cards are quite tricky to put together neatly and will probably appeal more to older children. Younger children might try the following:

Beaded Valentine's Day cards

Seed Beaded Heart Card

We cut a heart shape from red card, painted it with school (PVA) glue, and sprinkled it thickly with seed beads in a mixture of colours - red, pink and white. When the glue was dry, we attached the heart to our card with a small square "sticky fixer" so that the heart would be slightly proud of the card. The younger the kids, the bigger you should make the heart and beads!

Alphabet Bead Card

The card on the right was simply a question of choosing our alphabet beads and having nimble fingers to stick them on to a square cut from red card as a mount. We embellished with a red sequin.


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