Memory Games


The games below will get your children to hone their memory skills and they won't even realise it! Most memory games encourage quiet and concentration too, and the more you play, the better you get..

Butterfly Memory Game

Butterfly Memory Game

This is a very challenging version of the traditional Memory game, as the cards are all one colour and the designs are similar. Play in small groups or solo.



There is something about the clapping and chanting rhythm of this game that used to keep my school friends and I occupied for hours! Best played with kids of the same age, or the game will be unequal.

I Like To...

I Like To...

A quick simple memory game that requires no preparation or equipment, perfect for all sorts of occasions when you need to keep the kids occupied - waiting rooms, train journeys etc - and also as a "getting to know you" game.

I Packed My Suitcase..

I Packed My Suitcase..

I Packed My Suitcase is a classic memory game which is useful for all sorts of occasions, from a doctor's waiting room to a long car journey! You can adapt it to all ages of kids, and adults enjoy playing as much as children.

I Went On Holiday..

I Went On Holiday..

I Went On Holiday is a popular memory game which is perfect for keeping kids amused when they are confined to a table, car or waiting room! You need at least some geographical knowledge so it is best played with older kids.



Also known as Concentration, this card game is an old stand-by which can be adapted for all ages and abilities of children and is great for improving concentration and memory skills.

Simon Says

Simon Says

A traditional game enjoyed by younger children. You will need a quick thinking adult to play!

Age: 3+

How to play:

The Tray Game

The Tray Game

The Tray Game is a memory game which children really enjoy, especially if you make the objects on the tray interesting. It was definitely one of my favourites as a child, and my kids loved it too. We have two variations below.

Under The Cups

Under The Cups

This is a fun version of "Memory" which you can play with all age groups. We have a party version and a non-party version, both of which your kids will enjoy, as well as a version for one child to play on their own.

What's That Noise Game

What's That Noise Game

You will need to gather up the musical instruments on the picture cards. Print the picture cards – you might want to laminate them if you are going to use them more than once. Set up a screen or a box so that the children cannot see which instrument you are using.

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