We have several sets of flashcards, labelling worksheets, a word scramble and more to help your children learn the names of some common minibeasts.
Use these butterfly lifecycle cards double sided to test vocabulary, or cut out individually for matching activities. To make double-sized flashcards, just cut around all the outer edges, fold along the vertical centre line and then glue back to back.
This set of butterfly life cycle word cards includes some of the terminology that you will need when describing the butterfly life cycle. Perfect for displays, vocabulary work and so on...
Our frog life cycle matching cards can be cut horizontally only and folded in half to make them double sided, or cut out individually for matching games and activities - making them very versatile and useful.
Useful in so many ways, this set of frog life cycle word cards can be used for displays, vocabulary work etc.
We have three variations of this label the minibeasts worksheet; blank, with first letter clues, and fill in the missing letters. We also have options for ladybird or ladybug.
This set of large minibeast flashcards is perfect for display or group works and covers 12 common minibeasts. We have ladybug and ladybird options.
These small minibeast flashcards are the right size for printing off several sets to make memory games or using one to one to help with reading and learning vocabulary.
Can children recognise the animals on these cute minibeast picture flashcards? They are big enough for group or whole class work.
Try some fun vocabulary games with this cute minibeast vocabulary die. Younger kids can simply say the name of the minibeast, and older children can have a go at spelling them too. Or throw the die and the minibeast that lands face up becomes the central character in a creative story!
Learning the names of minibeasts can be tricky, but it'll be lots of fun with this cute minibeast vocabulary die. Print out either our pre-coloured or black and white version (the kids can colour the pictures themselves), cut-out and stick together by glueing the flaps.
Use these minibeast cards double sided to test vocabulary, or cut out individually for matching activities. To make double-sized flashcards, just cut around all the outer edges, fold along the vertical central line and then glue back to back.
Here are 15 word cards on a minibeast or insect theme. Use them for a display or perhaps for reading practice.
Have a copy of our minibeast word mat on the table to help with spellings, display as a poster or even laminate and use as a place mat. There are ladybird and ladybug versions to choose from.
Unscramble the letters to spell out the minibeast names and match them to the pictures.
Practise spelling with this cute spider spelling jigsaw! Cut into strips along the dotted lines and ask the kids to rearrange the pieces to complete the picture and spell the word.