Monkey Crafts


All NEW! Whether you are looking for a quick monkey craft for a jungle themed party, or some inspiration for Year of the Monkey and Chinese New Year, or your child just loves monkeys... we hope we've got something for you here! We've used to "junk" and easy to find materials and you can adapt the crafts to work with all ages of children.

Monkey Door Hanger Craft

Monkey Door Hanger Craft

This little monkey is a great way to mark your child's territory - and he'll be even more appreciated if your child makes the door hanger themselves!

Monkey Magnet

Monkey Magnet

We used a large yoghurt pot lid for the "face" of our monkey magnet, and he looks so happy and cheerful on the fridge that I think he might stay there for a while! This could be a fun party craft as long as you had collected enough lids for all the children.

Paper Plate Monkey

Paper Plate Monkey

Imagine this paper plate monkey on display on the wall - or maybe a whole "flock" of them! It's such a fun and simple monkey craft for little kids, I hope you will have a go.

Paper Plate Monkey Mask

Paper Plate Monkey Mask

Here's a fun use for a paper plate - a monkey mask! Cutting out the eyes the way we have makes this a really easy mask for younger children to play with.

Toilet Roll Monkey 1

Toilet Roll Monkey 1

This cheeky little monkey is made from a loo roll and a few pieces of card or paper. He looks great sitting on the edge of a shelf or the top of a cupboard, or perched on the rim of flower pot in front of a "jungle" plant, with his legs dangling over the sides!

Toilet Roll Monkey 2

Toilet Roll Monkey 2

This really is a fun monkey craft for the kids to try - they will love the way that the monkey can "climb" his own tree! It is trickier to explain than it is to do, so we've included lots of photos to help.

More Year of the Monkey Fun

Year of the Monkey Puzzles
Year of the Monkey Puzzles

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Monkey Printables
Monkey Printables

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