More Minibeast Puzzles


We've even more minibeast puzzles for you to print and enjoy, including odd one out, counting and more.

Bee Crossword

Bee Crossword

Tackle this bee crossword. It's a little tricky - so we've provided you with the solution, too.

Butterfly Jumble Puzzle

Butterfly Jumble Puzzle

We have three butterfly jumble puzzles to suit a variety of ages. Can the kids sort out and count the butterflies...

Caterpillar Odd One Out

Caterpillar Odd One Out

Can the children find which of these five funny caterpillars is the odd one out? Look carefully!

Minibeast Boggler Puzzle

Minibeast Boggler Puzzle

Boggler puzzles are great fun for kids of any age! See how many words they can find in this minbeast boggler puzzle - there are extra points available for minibeast words!

Minibeast Shadow Puzzle

Minibeast Shadow Puzzle

Ask the kids to test their matching skills with this fun minibeast shadow puzzle. Can they match each minibeast picture to the correct shadow?

Minibeasts I Spy

Minibeasts I Spy

Spot the different minibeasts on our fun Minibeast I Spy page, and see how many you can name. Count the different minibeasts, look for colours, play an I Spy game using the sheet - or set the kids the challenge of answering our fun questions!

Snail Colour by Pattern

Snail Colour by Pattern

Colour in this funny snail - who looks very settled on top of his apple - using the pattern and colour grid as a guide.

Word Wheel Challenge 25

Word Wheel Challenge 25

Word wheel challenges are a great way to fill ten minutes on a rainy day or a boring journey. Get the kids to see how many words they can find, remembering to use the A in the centre of the wheel each time.

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