Our cute little mouse is just begging to be traced and coloured in! Laminate the printable and use dry-wipe pens if you want to repeat the activity... Mouse tracing - Log in or Become a Member to download Explore Activity VillagePrintablesTracing PrintablesTopicsAnimalsAnimals A-ZMiceBritish WildlifeBritish Wildlife PrintablesBritish Wildlife Tracing PagesAnimal WorksheetsAnimal Tracing Pages
Mole Tracing Page How cute is this mole? The kids will feel be sure to feel proud when they draw their own mole by tracing the dotted lines on our mole tracing page.
Badger Tracing Page Trace around the outside of our badger tracing page and then have fun colouring it in.
Fox Tracing Younger children can trace the lines on this fox tracing and colouring page. It's a fun way to practise pencil control.