Narnia Word Searches


Here is a collection of Narnia word searches, perfect for all fans of Narnia and featuring many of the characters and events in these beloved stories. 

Narnia challenge

Narnia Challenge

The names Peter, Susan, Edmund and Lucy are hidden a number of times in this word search puzzle. The question is - how many? There is also one other important character from The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe for the kids to find...

Prince Caspian Word Search

Prince Caspian Word Search

This word search puzzle contains the names of many of the characters in the Narnia book, Prince Caspian, and lots more words relating to the story to find!

The Last Battle Word Search

The Last Battle Word Search

When I was little I could hardly bring myself to read The Last Battle because I knew it was the last of the Narnia stories. Relive the experience of the book with this word search puzzle, which features many of the people and animals that feature in The Last Battle.

The Magician's Nephew Word Search

The Magician's Nephew Word Search

Can the kids find all the words from The Magician's Nephew in this word search puzzle? You'll find lots of your favourite Narnia characters in there!

The Silver Chair Word Search

The Silver Chair Word Search

I always thought that The Silver Chair was one of the more exciting stories in the Narnia series, and I loved some of the characters in it - Puddleglum in particular! Can the kids find all the words in the puzzle?

The Voyage of the Dawn Treader Word Search

The Voyage of the Dawn Treader Word Search

How could any child not get excited at the wonderful world that CS Lewis spins in this book, and the characters he creates. Reepicheep and Caspian stay in many children's hearts forever! Find the other important characters from this Narnia book in the word search puzzle below.

More Character Word Searches

Roald Dahl Word Searches
Roald Dahl Word Searches

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