New Year Writing and Drawing Frames


Lots NEW! The idea behind our New Year Writing and Drawing Frames (many of which were previously only available in our Shop as our New Year Doodle Fun product) is that you can use these printables to look back on last year as well as look forward to, plan for, and set some goals for, the new year. You will find a mixture of pages that can be used with all ages of kids, for some imaginative drawing or writing - either at home or in the classroom. You could work through the whole set or pick and choose and just have a go at one or two.

When the pages are complete, can I suggest that you date them and store them away carefully? It's so much fun to look back on these at the end of the year, and keep them going on a yearly basis as an on-going project. That way you can see just how your children develop, and their goals and ambitions change.

2025 Frame

2025 Frame

We've got two versions of this lovely 2025 frame to choose from. The lined version is perfect for writing, or choose the blank version for artwork or collages.

2025 frame 2

2025 Frame 2

The cheerful yellow background of this fabulous 2025 frame will make any art project or writing really pop! It's also lovely for framing a printed photograph, of your New Year celebrations perhaps?

2025 Frame 3

2025 Frame 3

Do you have any fun plans for next year? You could write about them, or draw them, inside this bright and cheerful 2025 frame.

A Picture of Me Playing Sport This Year

A Picture of Me Playing Sport This Year

New Year's Resolutions often involve more exercise or sporting activity - so why not get the kids to record their plans with a picture! It would be nice to think that, having drawn themselves playing sport or exercising, they are more likely to carry through...

A Way I Can Be a Good Friend writing frame

A Way I Can Be a Good Friend

Use this printable to help children think about the ways in which they can build friendships - either in general or with a specific friend.

An Outfit I Would Like To Wear

An Outfit I Would Like To Wear

Kids can have fun imaging and drawing an outfit that they would like to wear this year using our fun printable. Hang it from the hanger and who knows!

Books I Would Like To Read

Books I Would Like To Read

Here's a fun way to keep a reading list! Just get the kids to write the names of the books (and maybe the authors) on the spines and covers on the picture. Perhaps they could colour in each book as they read it?

If I Could Learn About Anything

If I Could Learn About Anything

If I could learn about anything at all, I would like to learn about.... Children can draw pictures or write about all the things they would most like to learn about using this open book printable.

If I Could Travel Anywhere

If I Could Travel Anywhere

Encourage children to use their imagination and/or their goal setting skills to think about the place that they would like to travel, if they could travel anywhere in the world (or beyond it!) Younger children can draw in their answer and older children can write.

Most Important Goal For The Year

Most Important Goal For The Year

If the kids can only choose one, really important, mega goal for the year, what will it be? Use this printable page (which comes blank for drawings and lined for writing) to detail it out.

My Best Memory of This Year

My Best Memory of This Year

Look back on the year just gone with your children and try to pick out a special memory or two, then narrow it down for the "best memory" for this printable activity. It's a great way to start your goal setting process for next year!

My Idea

My Idea

Here's a fun way to capture your child's best ideas - in a light bulb frame! We've got a blank version for drawings and doodles and a lined version for passionate words...

My Wish for the World

My Wish for the World

You can use this printable at the beginning of each year, or at any time, to encourage children to think about what changes they would like to see in the world. What will their "wish for the world" be? It might surprise you!

My Wish Frame

My Wish Frame

The border to this pretty printable page repeats "My Wish" - and that's what we want children to capture on it, whether by picture or writing. You might find that their wishes are teeny tiny and easily granted - or big enough to impact the world.

New Year Acrostic Poem Printable

New Year Acrostic Poem Printable

Writing an acrostic poem is always more fun if you have a nice printable to write it out neatly on! Here is one featuring New Year balloons. It makes a fun writing paper page too.

Protecting The Environment Printables

Protecting The Environment Printables

We have three variations of printable on the "protecting the environment" theme. The first asks children to draw a picture of themselves protecting the environment.

Saving Up My Money For...

Saving Up My Money For...

Here's a lovely piggy bank printable for - you guessed it - money saving goals! Encourage children to think about what they might want to buy in the near future and how they might save up for it. Older children could also come up with a savings plan of a certain amount of money each week.

Something I Would Like To Do With My Friends

Something I Would Like To Do With My Friends

This printable is a fun way for children to list (or draw) some of the things they would like to do with their friends in the coming year or the future generally. The illustration might give them some starting points...

Sport and Exercise Goals Writing Frame

Sport and Exercise Goals Writing Frame

Encourage the kids to write down their sport and exercise goals and commit to them using this fun writing frame. Why not colour it in, too? Younger children can use the blank version to do a drawing rather than write, if they prefer.

The Best Dream Printable

The Best Dream

Children can draw or write about the best dream they can imagine having on this lovely printable page, which comes in two versions - one "framed" and one borderless.

The Best Outing or Holiday I Went on Last Year

The Best Outing or Holiday I Went on Last Year

Encourage children to look back on all their outings and holidays from the previous year and pick one that stands out for them. They can draw a picture of it here, or choose the lined frame for writing about it.

The Best Present I Was Given Last Year

The Best Present I Was Given Last Year

This is a fun printable to fill in with the kids just after the New Year, when they can look back on Christmas and last year's birthday and try to decide on their favourite present of the year - no easy task! We have blank and lined frames here for you to choose from.

The Person I Would Most Like To Meet

The Person I Would Most Like To Meet

Here's a fun activity for the New Year, for a Famous People Topic, or for any time! Just ask your child to think of one person he or she would most like to meet (possibly even choosing someone from history) and write about what would make the meeting interesting.

Things I Would Like To Achieve This Year

Things I Would Like To Achieve This Year

This is a lovely way of encouraging children to write down a few little goals - or six, to be precise. Each one goes into a box to be guarded over by one of the children in the illustration, which of course your child can colour in if they wish.

This is a Way I Can Help At Home

This is a Way I Can Help At Home

Thinking about how a child can help at home is the theme of this printable page. Perhaps he or she could help with chores, tidying up a bedroom and putting away toys, reading to a baby brother or sister and so on.

This Is A Way I Can Help At School

This Is A Way I Can Help At School

Why not encourage children to think about how they might be able to help out at school using this fun printable? Perhaps they could take on a role in the classroom, look out for a shy classmate, pick up rubbish in the playground, or hand out books ...

What Would I Most Like To See, Hear, Feel, Smell

What Would I Most Like To See, Hear, Feel, Smell

This is an unusual goal-setting printable which asks children what they would most like to see, hear, feel or smell. For me the answer to all four is "the sea" but their answers might be more interesting!

What Would I Take With Me

What Would I Take With Me

What would I take with me ... if I were going to the Bahamas on holiday, or trekking in the jungle, or travelling to the moon (and back)! You can use this lovely printable frame in so many ways. Younger children can draw or cut and stick, older children can write.

More New Year Activities for Kids

New Year Writing Paper
New Year Writing Paper

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