Print out these frames, laminate them if you wish, and use them with counters or other small objects for learning to count on from 10, addition within 20, subtraction within 20 etc.
Each of this printable provides two useful double-sets of ten towers, perfect for learning to count on from 10 to 20, addition within 20 and so on. They come in a variety of colours and we've included 3 sets of 20 counters too.
Use this set of 10 printables as individual posters, or line them up as a frieze or banner. Alternatively, laminate them and use them as mats in the classroom, to help children visualise and understand how the numbers are made up of 10 plus another number.
Choose from colour or black and white for this long banner featuring the numbers from 0-20. We've designed it so that it is quick to print and assemble and it looks great on the classroom walls...