12345 Song Printable
Here is a lovely, colourful printable with the words to this popular, counting nursery rhyme.
Here you will find our small but growing collection of nursery rhyme printables and activities to go with them.
Here is a lovely, colourful printable with the words to this popular, counting nursery rhyme.
Chinese nursery rhymes have similar themes to our traditional nursery rhymes, and one of my kids' favourite childhood songs appears to have derived directly from the Chinese original. I expect you will spot it too!
This is always a favourite action song. Children lie "sleeping" quietly and love jumping UP and flip-flopping around!
Here's a fun printable for Five Green Speckled Frogs. Print onto card, magnetic printer paper or printer felt and use to accompany the popular children's song / rhyme.
This nursery rhyme is a great way of helping children learn the mathematical concept of taking away.
Here are some of our favourite silly rhymes ... we hope you like them too! It's always a good idea for a child to have a silly rhyme or poem they can bring out to recite when required, and these are short and sweet so will do the trick for younger children very well.
Here are the words to a slightly less well-known nursery rhyme all about a ship. This is a great one for children that are interested in transport.
This traditional Chinese counting rhyme builds cleverly builds in some times table practice. We've done up to four frogs (there are four pages) but you could go much further! We've produced a second version which leaves the numbers blank for the kids to fill in, too...
I think everyone knows this little nursery rhyme but here are the words on a pretty printable that is perfect for a display.
We've got some lovely nursery rhymes here that are all about the weather. Well, they're mostly about the rain which is probably why they're so popular in the UK.