

You'll find all our resources for the Oceania countries below, with particularly large sections for Australia and New Zealand but flags and flag colouring pages as well as map and location worksheets and other fun activities for all!

General Oceania Resources

For coloured maps or outline maps, matching cards and even dominoes games covering the whole continent of Oceania, this is where you look!

Choose from coloured maps and outline maps, labelled maps and unlabelled maps, matching /...

Test the kids knowledge on the wonderful Oceania with these word searches! We will be adding...

Explore by Country

Click on the links below to learn about the countries of Oceania...

Whether you are looking to travel around the world on a virtual tour or celebrate a patriotic...

Would you like to visit the Cook Islands? I would! Instead I will have to make do with learning...

You can enjoy a complete set of printables for the Fiji flag, and a Fiji flag colouring page,...

What do you know about the islands of Kiribati? We've provided a very brief introduction to...

Did you know that Nauru is the world's smallest island nation, covering just 8 square miles...

Colour in a flag for the Marshall Islands or print one out, and enjoy some of our fun facts...

Micronesia is made up of thousands of tiny islands! Learn a little bit about it with the kids...

Learn a little about New Zealand with our "fun facts for kids" - geography, history...

Learn a little about the South Pacific island of Niue, and enjoy our flag printables - the Niue...

What do you know about Norfolk Island? You can find out a few interesting facts here, and print...

There are about 340 islands to Palau, an island country in Micronesia. You can see one below!...

Learn some interesting facts about Papua New Guinea, then print out the Papua New Guinea flag in...

Find out a little about Samoa, and scroll down for our flag printables and colouring page......

Learn a few interesting facts about the Solomon Islands, and make use of our collection of flag...

Learn some interesting facts about Tonga - a collection of 170 islands in the South Pacific. And...

Here is our brief introduction to the island of Tuvalu, an island in the Pacific Ocean. Scroll...

The Republic of Vanuatu consists of over 80 tropical mountainous islands in the South Pacific,...

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South America

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