What better way for kids to practise their ordinal numbers than these fun jigsaws! Just print onto card, slice along the vertical lines and you have a great self-checking activity for them!
This cows jigsaw is a fun way to help your children learn their ordinal numbers! If you choose the black and white version, get the kids to colour it in first. Now slice it up along the dotted lines, including the numbered boxes.
Learn ordinal numbers with the help of this lovely jigsaw. Choose from colour or black and white. If choosing the black and white version, ask the kids to colour it in first. Now slice up the jigsaw, including the numbers. Can the kids put it back together again in the right order?
Putting things into order is more fun when you are also putting a jigsaw back together again! That's the idea behind this Happy Easter jigsaw. Just print onto card and cut along the vertical lines.
We have both black and white and colour versions of this fun fox jigsaw, designed to help your children learn their ordinal numbers. Print and cut out around the edge, then slice along the vertical lines.
Available in colour or black and white, this printable jigsaw features some silly frogs enjoying the time of day on their lily pads. Print and then cut out along the vertical lines. Children put the picture back together using the ordinal numbers to help.
In this guest post, Shelly talks about some of her favourite ways to use Ordinal Number printouts available from Activity Village.
This printable gives children practice in matching up the numerical and word versions of the ordinal numbers from 1st to 10th. We have two versions available, one in "full colour" and one with white background.
Here's a fun puzzle, available in full colour or perky orange-black-and-white combination, that helps children to learn the abbreviations and number words for the ordinal numbers 11th to 20th.
Our party jigsaw is a fun way to calm overexcited children by giving them something to focus on. Print the jigsaw on to card and then cut along the dotted lines into strips, children must then use their knowledge of ordinal numbers and the picture to put the strips in order.
Print out our rainbow jigsaw onto card, slice along the vertical lines, and get the kids to put it back together again. Whether they use the ordinal numbers at the bottom of every piece, or the picture, they will be getting some useful ordinal numbers practice.
This bright and busy rockets picture makes a good jigsaw puzzle. We have added an interesting twist to a standard puzzle though, there are the the ordinal numbers 1st to 10th on each strip. To complete the jigsaw children must put the ordinal numbers in the correct order.
Here's a fun way to practice your ordinal numbers - with a jigsaw of cheeky squirrels! Cut out around the edges, then slice along the vertical lines. When the kids are passed the ordinal numbers stage, you can always cut off the numbers and use as a simple jigsaw.
We have both black and white and colour versions of our Year of the Dog jigsaw, designed to help the children learn their ordinal numbers. Print onto some card, then slice along the vertical lines. The children can then put the picture back together using the ordinal numbers to help.
Here's a fun way for kids to reinforce their ordinal numbers - with our special Year of the Monkey printable jigsaw! Just print onto card and cut along the vertical lines. Now the kids can put it back into the right order, using the numbers to guide them.
Learn ordinal numbers with the help of this lovely Year of the Pig jigsaw. Choose from colour or black and white. If choosing the black and white version, ask the kids to colour it in first. Now slice up the jigsaw, including the numbers.
We have colour and black and white versions of our Year of the Rooster ordinal numbers jigsaw to choose from. Print on to card, colour in the picture if using the black and white versions, laminate and cut into strips and then arrange the strips in order from first to tenth.