Origami Star


This is a very simple origami star which even the youngest children can make. As you will need three squares of paper and  a glue stick to complete the model, it isn't origami in the true sense! Make 24 origami stars for a lovely homemade origami advent calendar!

Origami Star

If you leave the front flap of your star unglued, your child can draw a picture or write a message inside - which makes these fun as gift tags or greetings cards.

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Origami star instructions

I am a STAR because ...

How about using them for an "I am a STAR because ..." activity. Each child makes their own origami star then writes down 1, 2 or 3 (you specify) points about what makes them special inside the star. Perhaps they could write their name on the front and you could display them in the classroom. Or ask each child to write one for another child - great for self esteem.

Origami Star Advent Calendar

Use this simple origami star to make an advent calendar: the front flap opens up so that you can conceal a picture or message inside. Perfect for a child to make for a younger sibling. Make the stars out of bright and shiny paper and stick them all over a large piece of cardboard, either painted or covered in gift wrap. Now write the numbers 1-24 randomly on the stars.

You could use some of our Christmas gift tags as the secret picture inside each star!

Christmas Gift Tags
Christmas gift tags to print


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