Otedama is a game played with are fabric beanbags (called ojami) which used to be sewn by grandmothers from silk kimono scraps. They are used for juggling games and skill games similar to jacks and knucklebones. They are an easy sewing project and makes a lovely game or gift idea, especially if you make a little drawstring bag in which to store them.
Our otedama - a traditional Japanese beanbag game (similar to knucklebones) for girls
We have more beanbag games and ideas here:
Beanbag games
Skip straight to Otedama games
You will need:
5 scraps of cotton fabric, or one larger piece
Needle and thread
A larger piece of fabric to make a drawstring pouch, if you wish
Cord for the drawstring pouch
Dried lentils or aduki beans
Our otedama - a traditional Japanese beanbag game (similar to knucklebones) for girls
Cut 5 rectangles 6.5 x 4 inches from your fabric. You might find it easier to print our otedama pattern and use it as a template. We made each of our ojami out of a different fabric, but you could use the same fabric for all of them if you prefer.
Cutting our fabric
Fold the fabric in half so that the short edges match, with the "good" side of the fabric facing inwards. Pin.
Fold and pin
Stitch the seam together. A simple running stitch will do, as long as you keep the stitches fairly small, although of course you can use a machine if you wish for speed. Knot at both ends.
Stitch the seam with running stitch.
Using a new piece of thread with a good knot in the end, stitch along the top edge of your fabric, gathering the fabric together as you go. Pull tightly together and then finish off the thread securely.
Gathering the top edge
Turn the fabric the right way out and hold the gathered edge at the bottom.
Turned right side out
Now turn the top edge in by about 1/2 inch, and use a fresh length of thread to stitch with large gathering stitches all around the top. Do not finish off, and leave the needle on the thread.
Turning in the top edge with a gathering stitch
Measure out 2oz of beans or lentils.
Pour the beans into the fabric tube, then gather up tightly and stitch closed securely.
Our first ojami, filled with beans and stitched closed
You might want to take a few extra stitches through the top from one side to the other, just to make sure all the beans stay inside!
From the top
From the bottom
We made a simple drawstring bag to store our otedama.
Now that you've made your otedama, you need to know how to play!
Otedama games