Painted Flower Pots


Painted flower pots are simple to do and not exactly original - but they always go down well on Mother's Day, Grandparent's Day, or just as a rainy day activity - especially if you pot them up with some seeds or a little plant too!

Painted Flower Pots

You will need:

Acrylic paints
Plastic or terracotta plant pots


Use the paints to decorate your plant pots.

On the front pot we painted free hand. On the back pot we taped vertical stripes of tape and then painted over the top. When the paint was dry we removed the tape to reveal stripes of the original colour.

You could use sponges, stencils or potato printing for a very different effect. How about painting the pots all one colour, allowing to dry, and then dabbing random dots of a different coloured paint over the top for a polka dot effect. Or paint some pretty, brightly coloured flowers to match what you want to plant in the pot.


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