Painted People


This lovely craft is perfect for Holi, but it is also fun for a Colour topic or, to be honest, any time! Imagine a whole family of painted people decorating the kitchen or classroom...

Painted People

You will need:

Powder paint (in powder form)
Person outline (draw your own or use our person template) on card
Spray bottle of water


Print our person template onto card and spray with water.

Sam spraying the person template with water
Sam spraying the person template with water

Sprinkle on the powder paint.

Sam sprinkling his first colour of powder paint onto the template
Sam sprinkling his first colour of powder paint onto the template

More colours of poster paint
More colours of poster paint

Spray again with water, and then peg up to dry so the paint runs. If you can you might want to do that outdoors as it can get messy!

A final spray of water
A final spray of water before hanging outside to dry

Cut out the person and put him or her on display!


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