Paper Plate Dog Mask


Have fun with this simple paper plate dog mask craft, which you could adapt in many ways. How about an all-black mask for a labrador? Or a combination of black and white for a dalmation?

Paper Plate Dog Mask

You will need:

  • Cream paper plate
  • Brown paint
  • Elastic
  • Brown paper
  • Scraps of pink card
  • Black marker pen
  • Glue


  1. Paint brown splodges on the plate and leave to dry.
  2. Cut out two ear shapes from brown paper and glue to the plate.
  3. Cut two eye holes from the mask.
  4. Use the scraps of pink card to cut out a nose. Glue to the mask.
  5. With the marker pen draw on a smile.
  6. Make a hole either side of the mask and tie the elastic through to hold the mask in place.



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