Patriotic Pencil Topper


Here's a cute mini Uncle Sam's hat made out of a cork - who says that even pencils can't be decorated for Fourth of July!

Patriotic pencil topper photo
Patriotic pencil topper

You will need:

Red, white and blue paint
Blue card


Paint the bottom of your cork blue and the top white. Leave to dry completely - don't rush it!

Paint some red stripes onto the white area, and some white stars onto the blue area.

Cut out a circle of blue card and glue your cork into the centre.

Leave to dry and glue onto a pencil.

Alternatively, an adult can use a sharp bradawl to dig a hole out of the center of the cork into which the pencil can be pushed. You would then need to cut a matching circle out of the middle of the blue card before gluing it onto the cork.

Patriotic pencil topper craft


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