Penny for the Guy


Did you know that Bonfire Night is also known as "Guy Fawkes Night"? Guy Fawkes was just one of the perpetrators of the Gunpowder Plot, but for some reason he is the one that is remembered. Traditionally, children would make a "Guy", or life-size, scarecrow-like effigy of Guy Fawkes, which would be thrown onto the communal bonfire during the celebrations - but not before he was paraded around (sometimes in an old pram or go-cart) by the kids, who would ask for "a penny for the guy" to spend on sparklers, sweets or other treats! You still see the occasional Guy now, and some schools or villages run competitions for the best.

Penny for the guy!
Penny for the guy!

Penny For The Guy Craft

Penny For The Guy Craft

Making your own Guy used to be an essential part of Bonfire Night, and children used to wheel their efforts around town in an old pram or pushchair, or even a supermarket trolley. They would ask for a "penny" with which to buy sweets or sparklers.

Penny for the Guy Story Paper

Penny for the Guy Story Paper

You don't often see children asking for a penny for the guy these days, but once they were an exciting part of every Guy Fawkes Night celebration.

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Guy Fawkes

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