Phonics Phase Two


Have fun with these useful and engaging Phase Two Phonics resources - ready to download and introduce to your children.

Summary of Phase Two

In Phase Two, children move on from oral blending and segmentation, to blending and segmenting with letters. At least 19 letters are introducted in Phase Two, in 5 sets, as well as first digraphs and a few "tricky" words.

The UK Government's Letters and Sounds (2007) suggests introducing the Phase Two letters over a 6 week period, with one set introduced each week and the 6th week for revision.

  • Week 1 Set 1: s, a, t, p
  • Week 2 Set 2: i, n, m, d (with particular attention to high frequency words is, it, in and at)
  • Week 3 Set 3: g, o, c, k (with particular attention to high frequency word and)
  • Week 4 Set 4: ck, e, u, r (also introducing children to exception/tricky words to and the)
  • Week 5 Set 5: h, b, f, ff, l, ll, ss (also introducing children to exception/tricky words no, go and I)
  • Week 6 Revision

From the first week, children will be able to read and write some VC and CVC words, with the number increasing each week. With the addition of "the" and "to" introduced in week 4 and "no" and "go" in week 5, many interesting phrases and short sentences become available.

Phase Two Resources

Download our comprehensive Phase 2 phonics resources below.

2 Letter Grids

2 Letter Grids

This simple printable provides 2 letter grids to use on the page or cut out, for practice at building 2 letter words. We have sized them to fit our phonics letter tiles.

3 Letter Grids

3 Letter Grids

Print the page and use it as it is, or print onto card and cut out the grids. The grids are sized to fit our phonics letter tiles or magnetic letters and can be used to practice word building. We also have Two Letter Grids.

All Phase Two Letters - Flash Cards

All Phase Two Letters - Flash Cards

Introduce the Phase Two phonemes with the help of these simple flash cards, which can also be used with many of our other Phase Two resources. Try matching them up with our Phase Two Phonemes Cards or Tiles, for example.

All Phase Two Letters - Mnemonic Flash Cards

All Phase Two Letters - Mnemonic Flash Cards

These lovely bright flash cards feature all the phonemes and digraphs from Phase Two, with a cheerful picture to remind the kids about the sound of the letter if they need it. They are designed to be used double-sided. Hold up the phoneme and see if they can make the sound.

All Phase Two Letters - Mnemonic Posters

All Phase Two Letters - Mnemonic Posters

We've picked one illustration for each phoneme and digraph in Phase Two and turned them into these fun A4 posters. They work well as a frieze around the room and are helpful for reminding children of the sound of each letter.

All Phase Two Letters - Picture Tiles

All Phase Two Letters - Picture Tiles

These photo picture tiles can be used in all sorts of ways and will make learning the phonemes and digraphs of Phase Two exciting for the kids, while providing lots of opportunity for expanding vocabulary and provoking discussion.

All Phase Two Letters - Recognition Posters

All Phase Two Letters - Recognition Posters

Whether you use these as posters on the wall or put them up on the whiteboard, the kids will love spotting the photos and identifying the beginning and end sounds that they have been learning.

All Phase Two Letters - Sorting Mats

All Phase Two Letters - Sorting Mats

Use our simple sorting mats when introducing and practising Phase Two letters. Perhaps you have a collection of mini-objects which the children can sort onto the correct phoneme mat? Or you could use our picture cards or picture tiles.

All Phase Two Letters - Tiles

All Phase Two Letters - Tiles

This set of bordered tiles contains the phonemes and digraphs from Phase Two. There are 3 tiles for each - perfect for sorting and word building.

All Phase Two Letters - Tracing Cards - Arrows

All Phase Two Letters - Tracing Cards - Arrows

Here's the full set of letters for Phase Two, in both US and UK fonts, complete with dots on the starting points and arrows for direction. They are a good size for children to handle. Laminate them for repeat use with a dry wipe pen.

All Phase Two Letters -Tracing Cards - Dotted

All Phase Two Letters - Tracing Cards - Dotted

These cards are the perfect size for little hands and if you laminate them you can use them over and over again with a dry wipe pen. This set contains all the letters from Phase 2 and comes in UK and US fonts. Start on the dot!

All Phase Two Word Cards

All Phase Two Word Cards

There are approximately 170 word cards in this zip file, divided up by Set for ease of use. The pack comprises many (but not all) of the words you can form with the phonemes and digraphs introduced in Phase Two, and which are pronounced phonetically.

All Phase Two word cards - buttons

All Phase Two Word Cards - Buttons

Sound buttons can help children to understand segmenting and then blending the letter sounds they have learned to form words. This set of sound button word cards contains all the suggested words in Phase Two.

Christmas Read And Draw Phase 2

Christmas Read And Draw Phase 2

Give the children some pens or crayons then ask them to read the instructions and complete the festive pictures on this fun read and draw Christmas worksheet.

CVC Words Animals Read and Draw

CVC Words Animals Read and Draw

This is a really fun worksheet, which will encourage the children to read the sentences carefully and then draw what's missing.

Dog Comprehension Early Readers Phase 2

Dog Comprehension Early Readers Phase 2

This comprehension is perfect for children who are just starting to learn how to read. All of the words are CVC words. If you are following the DfE's Letters and Sounds programme, this comprehension is suitable for children who have finished phase 2.

Halloween Beginning Sound Peg Cards

Halloween Beginning Sound Peg Cards

Children say the name of the picture and listen carefully for the beginning sound - then clip a clothes peg to the correct letter. These Halloween peg cards are such a fun way to practise!

Phonics Phase 2 Captions and Picture Match Worksheets

Phase 2 Captions and Picture Match Worksheets

Here are seven fun worksheets for children learning to read. We have used the phrases from Phase 2 Letters and Sounds. Ask the children to read the caption and match it up to the picture.

Phonics Phase 2 Initial Sound Matching Cards

Phase 2 Initial Sound Matching Cards

These initial sound matching cards are a great way to use your magnetic or foam letters. Print them out and let the children find the correct letter. You could laminate these and use them over and over again. 

Phase 2 Make Your Own Colouring Book

Phase 2 Make Your Own Colouring Book

Using the phrases from Letters and Sounds Phase 2, the children can make their own colouring book. They need to match up the captions to the images and then enjoy colouring in the lovely pictures. 

Phase 2 Phonemes Fan

Phase 2 Phonemes Fan

Here are all the phonemes of Phase Two on "blades" for a fan. Attach them together with a split pin or a book ring, adding letters as you learn them.

Phonics Phase 2 Set 2 Bingo Game

Phase 2 Set 2 Bingo Game

This colourful bingo game includes CVC words that use letters from Set 1 and Set 2. They are a fun and interactive way to to engage children who are learning to read. Our bingo games are also a great way of helping the kids to develop their vocabulary. 

Phonics Phase 2 Set 3 Bingo Game

Phase 2 Set 3 Bingo Game

This colourful bingo game includes CVC words that use letters from Sets 1, 2 and 3. They are a fun and interactive way to to engage children who are learning to read. Our bingo games are also a great way of helping the kids to develop their vocabulary.

Phonics Phase 2 Set 4 Bingo Game

Phase 2 Set 4 Bingo Game

This colourful bingo game includes CVC words that use letters from Sets 1, 2, 3 and 4. They are a fun and interactive way to to engage children who are learning to read. Our bingo games are also a great way of helping the kids to develop their vocabulary.

Phonics Phase 2 Set 5 Bingo Game

Phase 2 Set 5 Bingo Game

This colourful bingo game includes CVC words that use letters from Sets 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5. They are a fun and interactive way to to engage children who are learning to read. Our bingo games are also a great way of helping the kids to develop their vocabulary.

Phase Two captions - colouring pages

Phase Two Captions - Colouring Pages

Colour in these delightful pictures that match the captions suggested in the DFES' Letters and Sounds programme for Phase Two. Each page prints out onto A4 paper.

Even if you aren't using Letters and Sounds, these are a fun colouring / reading activity for early readers.

Phase Two captions - flash cards

Phase Two Captions - Flash Cards

There are 35 flash cards in this set, printing 2 to a page, and they cover all the captions suggested for Phase Two by Letters and Sounds, complete with little illustrations to help the children.

Phase Two captions handwriting worksheets

Phase Two Captions - Handwriting Worksheets

This pack of 35 handwriting worksheets provides all the suggested captions from Phase Two of Letters and Sounds in a dotted font for tracing, with extra handwriting lines for more practice.

Phase Two captions - matching cards

Phase Two Captions - Matching Cards

This set of matching cards includes all the captions suggested for Phase Two of Letters and Sounds, in order, so your children can have fun matching the caption / phrase to the correct picture. There are 35 each of the pictures and caption cards in total.

Phase Two Captions - Posters

Phase Two Captions - Posters

There are 35 A4 posters in this set - one for each of the captions suggested in the DFES Letters and Sounds programme for Phase Two.

Phase Two Captions - Strips, No Border

Phase Two Captions - Strips, No Border

Here are all the captions for Phase Two on simple strips, ready for printing and slicing. Match with our posters and flash cards or just hold them up for reading practice.

Phase Two captions - writing frames

Phase Two Captions - Writing Frames

Choose from black and white pictures or colour pictures representing the Phase Two captions, and encourage the children to write out the words they are learning.

Phase 2 I Can Read worksheets

Phase Two I Can Read Worksheets

These appealing worksheets (16 in the pack) feature words from Phase Two of the Letters and Sounds programme with tick-boxes by each. Work through them one-by-one or pick as you introduce each phoneme, or introduce them when you need to provide extra practice. High frequency words are repeated.

Phase Two reading practice slips

Phase Two Reading Practice Slips

These Phase Two reading practice slips are designed to be printed quickly and simply sliced into 4 per page. There's one for each additional letter / letter combination of Sets 1 to 5, as well as plenty of extra for practice and blank slips at the end if you want to work on particular words.

Phase Two Reading Practice Slips - Bordered

Phase Two Reading Practice Slips - Bordered

These slips are designed to be used with the Letters and Sounds phonics programme and provide day by day and week by week reading practice, perfect for slipping into school bags for practice at home each evening and over the weekend.

Phase Two Word Fan

Phase Two Word Fan

As new letters and letter combinations are introduced to the children, they will be able to sound out and read more and more words.

More Reading Resources

High Frequency Words
High Frequency Words

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Phase Three

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