Pin the Wart on the Witch


A Halloween version of the party favourite Pin the Tail on the Donkey.

Pin the Wart on the Witch

Using black felt material or black cardboard (or even a black bin liner glued over cardboard), cut out a witch’s outline. It doesn’t have to be perfect as most kids won’t mind but don’t forget to include the pointy hat and nose!

Stick the cut out up on the wall or on a large peg board. Decorate the witch with plastic spiders and fake web.

Then cut out large shaped warts (yuck) from a green felt material and either stick a thumb tack onto the end of each one or some strong tape for younger children. Alternatively, use a small lump of sticky tack (which is available in a variety of colours) or playdough.

Use a plan dark coloured scarf as a blind fold and let the children take turns sticking the wart on the witch’s nose. Older children should be spun around first to make it more difficult!


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